BreakBread: The American Village Series
Nourishing Trust & Unity In Our Local Communities
By Gathering Over Enriching Conversation And Food.
“I have never experienced such a mind-opening, heart-expanding, body-calming conversation.”
– E. Evans, Peace Innovation Initiative
The American Village is Fragmented
Trust is on the Decline
Perceived trust in institutions, government, media, and ultimately, each other is on the decline. This lack of trust makes it all the more difficult to solve problems facing us locally and nationally.
Division is Growing
Polarization and hotbutton issues have risen to the forefront and many feel unsure, emotionally unsafe and sometimes even physically endangered to engage in open discourse.
People Want to Connect
Despite the heightened anxiety created in a climate of distrust and division, people crave connection and thrive in social situations that are fun, educational and rewarding.